University of Otago

Welcome to the Junior Mathematics Competition!

This year the competition (initialled as UOJMC) will be held as a single, paper based competition, on Wednesday May 7.

2025 is the 40th year of this highly successful Competition.

This mathematics competition is for students in years 9 to 11 (forms 3 to 5), although younger students may also take part. Every student throughout New Zealand sits the competition on exactly the same days, usually two Wednesdays in April in May (one for each part).

The competition lasts for 50 minutes per part (so one hour, 40 minutes in total). The emphasis is on problem solving, so expect surprises!

Mathematical skills are important, but so is careful reading. Students who read the questions carefully and work out exactly what is being asked generally do better than those who jump in and write down the first thing that springs to mind.

Although many of the same questions are asked for each year level, students only compete against students at the same level as themselves. (However students in years 7 or 8 are regarded as being in year 9 for the purposes of the competition.)

Full details of the competition may be found here, with a note on who can enter here.


10:50 AM on Tuesday 17/12/2024:

We are pleased to announce that the competition will go ahead next year.

The provisional date for next year's competition is:

Wednesday, the 7th of May 2025.

The competition next year will be a paper only competition. The format of next year's competition is a one off due to a variety of factors, and it is anticipated that future competitions will likely return to a two part structure.

Note that the date is subject to change at this point in time, but the final date will be on a Wednesday early in Term 2. The final date will be included in the Initial Invitation to schools that will be sent out in early February.

11:43 AM on Monday 9/12/2024:

We're still working through some logistical issues that may prevent us from running the competition next year. This means we don't have any dates for a potential competition as yet.

We do hope to have a firm decision made by the end of next week. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

1:17 PM on Wednesday 21/8/2024:

Due to technical issues final results will not be released until Thursday August 21 at the earliest. Our apologies.

11:15 AM on Monday 12/8/2024:

The Top 30 results for each year level are now available on the results page.

1:26 PM on Thursday 8/8/2024:

We hope to have preliminary results available starting next week. In the first instance the Top 30 prize winners (including first, second, and third in each year level) will be published on our results page. Digital certificates and full results will follow.

Note that physical certificates are still a few weeks away as we need to confirm the names and year levels for every student before we can print any certificates.

12:20 PM on Monday 29/7/2024:

We have migrated to a new website. Please contact us if you encounter any issues while navigating our new site.

12:14 PM on Thursday 25/7/2024:

Update on marking: The primary marking of this year's competition has finished. Check marking of the top 20% or so of papers is well under way. We intend to get results out to schools in the middle of August.


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