Welcome to Problem Challenge!

Problem Challenge is a mathematics problem solving competition aimed primarily at children in years 7 and 8, and of interest to able children from Year 6.

It has been organised by John Curran and John Shanks, retired members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago, with extensive secretarial help from Leanne Kirk and Sarah Stewart, also of that Department. From 2024 it will be organised by John Shanks, with Sarah processing the book orders.

Children participating in the competition attempt to answer five questions in 30 minutes on each of five problem sheets, which are done about a month apart starting in April.

Full details of the competition      Rules and dates

Competition Books

There are six competition books available. These cover 30 years of competition problems from both Problem Challenge and Final Challenge, with full worked solutions.
Book details and orders.

Latest News...

Registration has now closed for 2024.

Please ensure that you get both Set 1 and Set 2 results entered as soon as possible (unless you are maintaining scores in a spreadsheet).

Set 3 will be held on 20 June.

Contact details...

If your school takes part in Problem Challenge and you need to change your contact details then remember that you can do this yourself by signing in to your administration page.