Rydges Resort
Several rooms at the Rydges Resort have been reserved for the conference. These rooms can be booked by contacting Jenna Chapman at the Rydges Resort using "ACGRG6 conference accommodation" as the subject line of any email.
If you miss out on the specially discounted reserved rooms you may be able to book directly with Rydges Resort.
Other Accommodation
Since Queenstown is a popular destination, there is a wide range of other accommodation options available. The AA also maintains an extensive list of accommodation options. If you plan to stay somewhere else, bear in mind that the Resort is a 10~15 minute walk from the centre of town.
Suggestions that are close to Rydges Resort
There are several other accommodation options near Rydges Resort. These include:
Google Maps showing the locations of most other accommodation
Further links for investigating accommodation in Queenstown (based on Google maps) are: