The purpose of this symposium is to bring together the community of sea ice researchers in New Zealand to share their recent work and discuss future projects.

Time will be dedicated to the discussion of both theoretical work and field work.
Talks will be given by internationally recognised leaders in the field and also by emerging researchers and postgraduate students.
The symposium will follow on directly from the Snow & Ice Research Group workshop in Queenstown.
Thanks to all those who have submiteed a title. Please prepare a 15 minute talk. An extra 5 minutes has been accommodated for questions.
Please let us know if your have require any special equipment for your talk (other than a laptop & projector or an OHP).
Key-note Speakers
We are very pleased to announce that extended talks will be given by two internationally renowned researchers:
- Miles McPhee (McPhee Research Company, Naches, Washington)
- Vernon Squire (The University of Otago)
Thursday 18th February
9:30 | Coffee | |
10:00 | Welcome | |
Chair: Luke Bennetts | ||
10:10 | Vernon Squire | Contemporary perspectives on ocean wave / sea ice interaction |
11:10 | Coffee | |
Chair: Alison Kohout | ||
11:40 | Gareth Vaughan | Waves in the Arctic Ocean |
12:00 | Fabien Montiel | Transient motion of an elastic plate in a two-dimensional wavetank |
12:20 | Michael Smith | Modelling of sea ice as a floating elastic plate |
12:40 | Lunch | |
Chair: Mike Williams | ||
13:40 | Sam Dean | The Ross Sea winter polynya in a high resolution global climate model, present and future |
14:00 | James Renwick | Atmospheric forcing of Antarctic sea ice on daily to weekly time scales |
14:20 | Wendy Clavano | Snow thickness variations over first- and multi-year sea ice using ground penetrating radar |
14:40 | Wolfgang Rack | Ice thickness measurements in the McMurdo Sound area using the helicopter EM bird |
15:00 | Inga Smith | Sea ice thickness history from oxygen isotope analysis |
15:20 | Coffee | |
Chair: Sam Dean | ||
15:50 | Gareth Hegarty | Large amplitude wave-ice interaction |
16:10 | Luke Bennetts | A three-dimensional model of wave attenuation in the marginal ice zone |
16:30 | Alison Kohout | Consideration of an additional physical process in wave-ice interaction |
16:50 | Mike Meylan | Comparison of models for wave scattering by floating ice |
19:00 | Dinner: The Staff Club |
Friday 19th February
Chair: Pat Langhorne | ||
9:30 | Miles McPhee | Ice-ocean interaction at truly opposite poles |
10:30 | Coffee | |
Chair: Inga Smith | ||
11:00 | Natalie Robinson | East vs west in McMurdo Sound, and a new signature of ice shelf water |
11:20 | Craig Stevens | Ocean turbulence next to an ice tongue |
11:40 | Pat Langhorne | Sea ice in supercooled water |
12:00 | Mike Williams | Modelling frazil ice within a supercooled water plume |
12:20 | Lunch | |
Chair: Mike Meylan | ||
13:20 | Robin Dykstra | NMR measurements of brine fraction and diffusivity |
13:40 | Phil Weir | Applications of an FEM/FEM approach for the analysis of sea ice |
14:00 | Sean Buchanan | An impedance analysis of sea ice microstructure |
14:20 | Keleigh Jones | Cross borehole electrical resistivity tomography of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice |
14:40 | Malcolm Ingham | In-situ measurement of sea ice permitivity |
15:00 | Close |

Abbey College’s central location, between Cumberland and Castle Streets, is just a few minutes’ walk from all university facilities, the Dunedin Botanic Gardens and the central city.
Parking is available at the venue.
A symposium dinner has been organised for 7pm on Thursday at the University Staff Club. The meal will be a set menu so please let me know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Accommodation & Transport
This is a busy time of year in Dunedin with the students returning and it is a good idea to have accommodation and transport booked early.
There are many motels within a short distance of the University, such as:
Aberdeen Motel, 42-46 Bank Street (03 4730133) www.aberdeen.co.nz
Cable Court Motel, 833 Cumberland Street (03 4773525) www.cablecourtmotel.co.nz
Garden Motel, 590 George Street (03 4778251) www.gardenmotel.co.nz
Owens Motel, 745 George Street (03 4777156) www.owensmotel.co.nz
On Thursday 18th Feb Air NZ flights arrive at Dunedin | from Auckland at 0910 |
from Christchurch at 0800 | |
and from Wellington at 0850. |
The airport is 22Kms from the city and there are two options for transport into town: taxis (roughly $80) or shuttle vans (roughly $25).
Special Thanks
The organisers would like to thank the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research and the Polar Environments Research Theme for their generous contributions to this event.
If you have any enquiries or wish to receive further information, please contact Luke Bennetts (03 479 7773) lbennetts@maths.otago.ac.nz.