+64 3 4797605
of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Otago
New Zealand
Refereed Journal
in Statistics Journals
- Hazelton, M.L. (1995). Improved Monte Carlo
inference for models with additive error. Statistics
and Computing, 5, 343-350.
- Hazelton, M.L. (1996). Bandwidth selection for
local density estimators. Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics, 23, 221-232.
- Hazelton, M.L. (1996). Optimal rates for local
bandwidth selection. Journal of Nonparametric
Statistics, 7, 57-66.
- Hazelton, M.L. (1998). Bias annihilating
bandwidths for kernel density estimation at a point. Statistics
and Probability Letters, 38 , 305-309.
- Broughton, J., Hazelton, M.L. and Stone, M.
(1999). Influence of light-level on the incidence of
road casualties and the associated effect of summertime
clock changes. Read before the Royal Statistical
Society, 14 October 1998, and in Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 162, 137-175.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2000). Marginal density
estimation from incomplete bivariate data. Statistics
and Probability Letters, 47, 75-84.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2001). Estimation of
Origin-Destination Trip Rates in Leicester. Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied
Statistics), 50, 423-433.
- Duong, T and Hazelton, M.L. (2003). Plug-in
bandwidth selectors for bivariate kernel density
estimation. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
15, 17-30.
- Gurrin, L.C, Moss, T.J., Sloboda, D.M., Hazelton,
M.L., Challis, J.R.G, and Newnham, J.P. (2003)
Using WinBUGS to fit non-linear mixed models with an
application pharmacokinetic modelling of insulin
response to glucose challenge in sheep exposed
antenatally to glucocorticoids. Journal of
Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 13, 117-139.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2003). Variable kernel density
estimation. Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Statistics, 45, 271-284.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2003). A graphical tool for
assessing normality. The American Statistician,
57, 285-288.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2004). Density estimation from
aggregate data. Computational Statistics, 19, 407-423.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2004). Estimating vehicle speed
from traffic count and occupancy data. Journal of
Data Science, 2, 231-244.
- Duong, T. and Hazelton, M.L. (2005).
Convergence rates for unconstrained bandwidth matrix
selectors in multivariate kernel density estimation. Journal
of Multivariate Analysis, 93, 417-433.
- Duong, T and Hazelton, M.L. (2005).
Cross-validation bandwidth matrices for multivariate
kernel density estimation. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics, 32, 485-506.
- Gurrin, L.C., Scurrah, K. and Hazelton, M.L.
(2005). Tutorial in biostatistics: Spline smoothing with
linear mixed models. Statistics in Medicine, 24,
- Baddeley, A., Turner, R., Moller, J. and Hazelton,
M. (2005). Residual analysis for spatial point
processes (with discussion). Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society Series B, 67, 617-666.
Read before the Royal Statistical Society on Wednesday
22nd June 2005.
- Hazelton, M.L. and Turlach, B.A. (2007).
Reweighted kernel density estimation. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 51,
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2007). Bias reduction in kernel binary regression. Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis, 51,
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Davies, T.M. (2009). Inference based on kernel
estimates of the relative risk function in geographical
epidemiology. Biometrical
Journal, 51,
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Marshall, J.C. (2009). Linear boundary kernels for
bivariate density estimation. Statistics
Probability Letters, 79,
- Hazelton, M.L. and Turlach, B.A. (2009).
Nonparametric density deconvolution by weighted kernel
estimators. Statistics
Computing, 19,
- Hazelton, M.L. and Turlach, B.A. (2010).
Semiparametric density deconvolution. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics 37,
- Marshall, J.C. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2010). Boundary kernels for adaptive
density estimators on regions with irregular boundaries.
Journal of
Multivariate Analysis 101,
- Davies, T.M. and Hazelton,
(2010). Adaptive kernel estimation of spatial
relative risk. Statistics
in Medicine, 29,
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2010). Statistical inference for transit system
origin-destination matrices. Technometrics,
52 (2),
- Davies, T.M., Hazelton,
M.L. and Marshall, J.C. (2011). sparr:
Analyzing spatial relative risk using fixed and adaptive
kernel density estimation in R. Journal
of Statistical Software, 39,
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2011). Assessing log-concavity of multivariate
densities. Statistics
and Probability Letters, 81,
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Turlach, B.A. (2011). Semiparametric regression with
shape constrained penalized splines. Computational
and Data Analysis,
55, 2871-2879.
- Fernando, W.T.P.S, Ganesalingam, S. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2014). A comparison of estimators of the
geographical relative risk function. Journal
of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84(7), 1471-1485.
- Davies, T.M. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2013). Assessing minimum contrast
parameter estimation for spatial and spatiotemporal
log-Gaussian Cox processes. Statistica
Neerlandica, 67(4),
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2015). Network tomography for integer-valued traffic. Annals of Applied
Statistics, 9
(1), 474-506.
- Pirikahu, S., Jones. G., Hazelton,
M.L. and Heuer, C. (2016). Bayesian methods of
confidence interval construction for the population
attributable risk from cross-sectional studies. Statistics
in Medicine, 35,
- Davies, T.M., Jones, K. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2016). Symmetric adaptive smoothing
regimens for estimation of the spatial relative risk
function. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 101,
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Cox, M.P. (2016). Bandwidth
selection for kernel log-density estimation. Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis, 103,
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2017). Testing for changes in spatial relative risk. Statistics in Medicine,
36, 2735-2749.
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Bilton, T.P. (2017). Polytope
samplers for network tomography. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 59(4),
495-511. Supplementary
material here.
- Betz-Stablein, B., Hazelton,
M.L., Moragan, W.H. (2018). Modelling retinal
pulsatile blood flow from video data. Statistical
Methods in Medical Research, 27(5),
- Davies, T.M., Marshall, J.C. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2018). Tutorial on kernel estimation of
continuous spatial and spatiotemporal relative risk with
accompanying instruction in R. Statistics
in Medicine, 37,
- Davies, T.M.,
Flynn, C. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2018). On the utility of asymptotic
bandwidth selectors for spatially adaptive kernel
density estimation. Statistics
and Probability Letters, 138,
- Hazelton, M. L., Mcveagh, M. R., and Van Brunt,
B. (2021). Geometrically aware dynamic Markov bases for
statistical linear inverse problems. Biometrika,
108(3), 609-626. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asaa083
- Pirikahu, S., Jones G., and Hazelton, M.
(2021). Bayesian inference for population attributable
measures from under-identified models. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 63(4),
- Hazelton, M.L. and Davies, T.M. (2022).
Pointwise comparison of two multivariate density
functions. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 49,
- Baddeley, A, Davies, T.M., Hazelton, M.L.,
Rakshit, S., Turner, R. (2022). Fundamental problems in
fitting spatial cluster process models. Spatial
Statistics, 52, 100709
- MacDonald, B., Davies, T., and Hazelton, M.L.
(2023). Feasibility of Monte-Carlo maximum likelihood
for fitting spatial log-Gaussian Cox processes. Spatial
Statistics, 56, 100759.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2023). Shrinkage estimates of
the spatial relative risk function. Statistics in
Medicine, 42, 4556-4569.10.1002/sim.9875.
- Hazelton, M., McVeagh, M., Tuffley, C. and van
Brunt, B. (2023) Some rapidly mixing hit-and-run
samplers for latent counts in linear inverse problems. Bernoulli,
30(4), 2676-2699.
- Hazelton, M.L. and Karimi, M. (2024). When
lattice bases are Markov bases. Statistics and
Probability Letters, 208, 110047.
in Transportation Science Journals
- Hazelton, M.L. (1998). Some
remarks on Stochastic User Equilibrium. Transportation
B, 32, 101-108.
- Hazelton, M.L. and Pueschel, J. (1999).
Estimation of link performance functions from incomplete
flow data. Journal of Advanced Transportation ,
33, 323-334.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2000). Estimation of
origin-destination matrices from link flows on
uncongested networks. Transportation Research B, 34,
- Hazelton, M.L. (2001). Inference for
origin-destination matrices: estimation, reconstruction
and prediction. Transportation Research B , 35,
- Hazelton, M.L. (2002). Day-to-day variation in
Markovian traffic assignment models. Transportation
Research B, 36, 637-648.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2003). Some comments on
origin-destination matrix estimation. Transportation
Research A, 37, 811-822.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2003). Total travel cost in
stochastic assignment models. Networks and Spatial
Economics, 3, 457-466.
- Watling, D.P. and Hazelton, M.L. (2003). The
dynamics and equilibria of day-to-day assignment models.
Networks and Spatial Economics, 3,
- Hazelton, M.L. and Watling, D.P. (2004).
Computation of equilibrium distributions of Markov
traffic assignment models. Transportation Science, 38,
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2008). Statistical inference for time varying
origin-destination matrices. Transportation Research
Part B, 42, 442-452.
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2010). Bayesian inference for network-based modes
with a linear inverse structure. Transportation
Research Part B, 44,
- Parry, K. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2012). Estimation of origin-destination
matrices from link counts and sporadic routing data. Transportation Research
Part B, 46,
- Parry, K. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2013). Bayesian inference for day-to-day
dynamic traffic models. Transportation
Research Part B, 50,
- Smith, M., Hazelton,
M.L., Lo, H.K., Cantarella, G.E. and Watling,
D.P. (2014). The long term behaviour of day-to-day
traffic assignment models. Transportmetrica
A: Transport Science, 10,
- Shao, H, Lam W.H., Sumalee, A., Chen,
A., Hazelton, M.L.
(2014). Estimation of mean and covariance of peak hour
origin-destination demands from day-to-day fraffic
counts, Transportation
Research Part B, 68,
- Shao, H., Lam, W.H.K, Sumalee, A., Hazelton,
M.L. (2015). Estimation of mean and covariance
of stochastic multi-class OD demands from classified
traffic counts. Transportation
Part C: Emerging Technologies, 59,
- Parry, K., Watling, D.P. and Hazelton,
M.L. (2016). A new class of doubly stochastic
day-to-day dynamic traffic assignment models. EURO
on Transportation and Logistics, 5(1)
- Hazelton, M.L.
and Parry, K. (2016). Statistical methods for comparison
of day-to-day traffic models. Transportation
Part B, 92(A),
- D.P. Watling and M.L.
Hazelton (2018). Asymptotic approximations of
transient behaviour for day-to-day traffic models. Transportation Research
Part B, 118,
- A. Mahmoodjanloo, M.L.
Hazelton and K. Parry (2019). Apples versus
oranges? Comparing deterministic and stochastic
day-to-day traffic assignment models. Transportmetrica
B: Transport Dynamics, 7(1),
- Hazelton, M.L. (2022). The emergence of
Stochastic User Equilibria in day-to-day traffic models.
Transportation Research Part B, 158,
- Iryo,T., Watling, D., and Hazelton, M.
(2024). Estimating Markov chain mixing times:
convergence rate towards equilibrium of a stochastic
process traffic assignment model. Transportation
Science. 58(6):1168-1192.
- Hazelton, M.L., and Najim, L. (2024). Using
traffic assignment models to assist Bayesian inference
for origin-destination matrices. Transportation
Research Part B 186, 103019.
Journal Articles
- Hazelton, M.L., and Gurrin, L.C.
(2003). A note on genetic variance components in mixed
models. Genetic Epidemiology, 24,
- Sircombe, K.N. and Hazelton, M.L. (2004).
Comparison of detrital zircon age distributions by
kernel functional estimation. Sedimentary Geology,
171, 91-111.
- Morgan, W.H., Hazelton, M.L., Azar, S.L.,
Cringle, S.J., House, P.H., Yu, D.-Y. and
Balaratnasingham, C. (2004). Retinal venous pulsation in
glaucoma and glaucoma suspects. Ophthalmology, 111,
- Firth, L., Hazelton, M.L. and Campbell,
E. (2005). Predicting the onset of winter rains using
random forests. Journal
of Climate, 18, 772-781.
- Morgan, W.H., Balaratnasingam, C., Hazelton,
M.L., House, P.H., Cringle, S.J., Yu, D.-Y.
(2005). The force required to induce hemivein pulsation
is associated with the site of maximal field loss in
glaucoma. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science, 46, 1307-1312.
- Trinajstic, K. and Hazelton,
M. (2007) The taxonomic implications of
intraspecific and ontogenetic variation in compagopiscis
croucheri (placodermi). Journal
Vertebrate Paleontology, 27,
- Balaratasingham, C., Morgan, W.H., Hazelton, M.,
House, P., Barry, C., Chan, H., Cringle, S, and Yu, D.Y.
(2007). Retinal vein pulsation characteristics are
predictive of glaucoma progression. British
Journal of Ophthalmology, 91,
- Benschop, J., Hazelton,
M.L., Stevenson, M.A.,
Dahl, J., Morris R.S. and French, N. (2008). Descriptive
spatial epidemiology of subclinical Salmonella infection
in Danish finisher pig herds: application of a novel
method of spatially adaptive smoothing. Veterinary
Research, 39:02.
- Morgan, W.H., Hazelton,
M.L., Balaratnasingam, C., Chan, H., House,
P.H., Barry, C.J., Cringle, S.J., and Yu, D.-Y.
(2009).The association between retinal vein
ophthalmodynamometric force change and optic disk
excavation. British Journal of Ophthalomology 93,594–596.
- Sadler R. J., Hazelton
M., Boer M. B. and Grierson, P. (2010).
Deriving state-and-transition models of semi-arid
grassland dynamics using imagery. Ecological
Modelling, 221(3),
- R.L. Sanson, R.L., Harvey, N., Garner,
M.G., Stevenson, M.A., Davies, T.M., Hazelton, M.L.,
O’Connor, J., Dubé, C., Forde-Folle, K.N. and
Owen, K. (2011) Foot-and-mouth disease model
verification and 'relative validation' through a formal
model comparison. Revue
Scientifique et Technique-Office International des
Epizooties 30(2),
- Betz-Stablein, B.D., Morgan, W.H., House, P.H., and Hazelton, M.L.
(2013). Disease mapping techniques applied to glaucoma
visual field datasets. Investigative
& Visual Science, 52(2),
- Fernando, W.T.P.S., and Hazelton,
M.L. (2014). Generalizing the spatial relative
risk function. Spatial
and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 8,
- Bilton, P.A., da Campo R., Nikzad, R., Hazelton, M.
and Derrick, P.J. (2014). Interaction between
naphthenic acids: Dependence on molecular structure
revealed through statistical analysis of ultra-high
resolution electrospray mass spectra.
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 20(3),
- Richards, K.K., Hazelton,
M.L., Stevenson, M.A., Lockhart, C.Y., Pinto,
J. (2014). Methods for detecting anomalies in routinely
recorded animal health data, with particular reference
to Foot-and-Mouth disease in Viet Nam. Spatial
and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 11,
- Morgan, W.H., Hazelton,
M.L., Betz-Stablein, B.D., Yu, D.Y., Lind, C.R.P., Ravichandran, V., and House,
P.H. (2014). Photo-plethysmographic
measurement of various retinal vascular pulsation
parameters and measurement of the venous phase
delay. Investigative
& Visual Science, 55(9),
- Morgan, W.H., Abdul-Rahman, A., Yu,
D.-Y.,Hazelton, M.L., Betz-Stablein, B.D., and
Lind, C.R.P. (2015). The objective assessment of
retinal vessel pulsation, PLoS
ONE, 10(2):
e0116475. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0116475.
- Guillot, E.G., Hazelton,
M.L., Karafet, T.M, Lansing, J.S., Sudoyo,
H., and Cox. M.P. (2015). Relaxed observance of
traditional marriage rules allows social connectivity
without loss of genetic diversity. Molecular
Biology and Evolution, 32:2254-2262.
- Morgan, W.H., House,
P.H., Hazelton,
M.L., Betz-Stablein, B.D., Chauhan,
B.C., Viswanathan, A., Fatehee, N.
and Yu, D.Y. (2016). Intraocular pressure
reduction is associated with reduced venous pulsation
PLoS ONE, 11(1):
- Lam J., Chan, G., Morgan, W., Hazelton,
M., Betz-Stablein, B., Cringle, S, and Yu,
D.-Y. (2016). Structural characteristics of the optic
nerve head influencing human retinal venous pulsations.
Experimental Eye
Research, 145,
- Morgan, W., Hazelton,
M., and Yu, D.-Y. (2016). Retinal venous
pulsation: expanding our understanding and use of this
enigmatic phenomenon. Progress
in Retinal and Eye Research,
55, 82-107.
- S.-J. Liao, J.C. Marshall, M.L.
Hazelton and N.P. French (2019). Extending
statistical models for source attribution of zoonotic
diseases: A study of campylobacteriosis. Journal
of the Royal Society Interface, 16:
20180534. .
Letters, Discussions
and Short Contributions
- Hazelton, M.L. (2004). Reply to "Hazelton,
M.L. (2003), A Graphical Tool for Assessing Normality",
The American Statistician, 57, 285-288: Comment by
Jones". The American Statistician, 58,
- Morgan W.H., Hazelton
M.L., Azar S.L., House P.H., Yu D.Y., Cringle
S.J., Balaratnasingam C. (2004). Letter to Editor in
reply to Jost B. Jonas regarding the article by: Morgan
WH, Hazelton ML, Azar SL, House PH, Yu DY, Cringle SJ,
Balaratnasingam C: Retinal venous pulsations in glaucoma
and glaucoma suspects, in Ophthalmology, 111, 1489-1494.
112, 949.
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2008). Letter to the Editor: Kernel estimation of risk
surfaces without the need for edge correction. Statistics
in Medicine, 27,
- Hazelton, M.L. (2010).
Discussion of "Maximum likelihood estimation of a
multi-dimensional log-concave density" by Cule, Samworth
and Stewart. Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 72 (5), 595-596.
- Hazelton, M.,
and Watling, D. (2016). Editorial. EURO
on Transportation and Logistics: Special Issue on
Day-to-day Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models, 5(1) 1-3.
- Morgan, W.H., Khoo, Y.J., Kermode, A.G., Lind, C.R., Hazelton,
M.L., Parsons, K.E., and Yu, D.Y. (2021).
Utilisation of retinal vein photoplethysmography to
measure intracranial pressure. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92(1):
Refereed Book
Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Hazelton, M. L. and Polak, J. W. (1994).
Aggregate network performance relations: theory and
empirical results. In Proceedings of the 22nd
European Transport Forum, Seminar G, 301-313,
PTRC, London.
- Hazelton, M.L., Lee, S. and Polak, J.W. (1996).
Stationary states in stochastic process models of
traffic assignment: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium
on Transportation and Traffic Theory, (ed. J.-B.
Lesort) 341-357. Pergamon, Oxford.
- Lee, S. and Hazelton, M.L. (1996).
Stochastic optimization of combined traffic assignment
and signal control junction modelling. In Proceedings
of the 13th International Symposium on Transportation
and Traffic Theory, (ed. J. B. Lesort) 713-735.
Pergamon, Oxford.
- Hazelton, M.L. and Polak, J.W. (1997).
Modelling traveller learning in stochastic traffic
assignment. In Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/IFORS
Symposium on Transportation Systems , (eds. M.
Papageorgiou & A. Pouliezos), 2, 646-651.
- Polak, J.W. and Hazelton, M.L. (1998). The
influence of alternative traveller learning mechanisms
on the dynamics of transport systems. In European
Transport Conference, Proceedings of Seminar D:
Transportation and Planning Methods, 83-95.
Minimally Refereed
Conference Papers
- Hazelton, M. L. (1994). Network aggregation as
a source of error and bias in transport system
perfromance. Proceedings of the 1994 Universities'
Transport Studies Group Conference, UTSG, U.K.
- Lee, S. and Hazelton, M. (1996). A stochastic
traffic assignment model for dynamic route guidance. Proceedings
of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport
Systems [CDROM].
- Hazelton, M. L., Lee, S. and Polak, J. W.
(1996). Stationary states in stochastic process models
of traffic assignment: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
approach. Proceedings of the 1996 Universities'
Transport Studies Group Conference, UTSG, U.K.
- Hazelton, M.L. (1996). Monte Carlo inference
for a model of carbon fibre strength. In Proceedings
of the 11th International Workshop on Statistical
Modelling, 192-199 (1996).
- Duong, T. and Hazelton, M. (2001). Efficient
day-to-day simulation of traffic systems with
applications to the effects of pre-trip information. Proceedings
of the 8th World Congress on Inteligent Transport
Systems. (CDROM from ITS Australia.)
- Scurrah, K, Hazelton, M., Palmer, L and
Burton, P. (2001). Generalized linear mixed models for
familial survival data, with applications to COAG data.
In: Klein, B., Korsholm, L. (eds) Proceedings of the
16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
Odense, Denmark, pp 355-362.
- Hazelton, M., and Gordon, A. (2002). Esitmation
of Origin-Destination matrices from link counts. Proceedings
of the European Transport Forum. (CDROM from
- Sadler, R., Hazelton, M., and Grierson, P.
(2003). Spatio-temporal dynamics of Pilbara grasslands.
Proceedings of the 7th International Rangelands
Conference (Durban, RSA, 26 July - 1 August 2003).
- Benschop, J., Hazelton,
L., Stevenson, M. A., Dahl, J., Morris, R. S.,
French, N. P. (2007). Application of a novel method of
spatially adaptive smoothing. Proceedings
of GisVet 07, (August 24, Denmark), pp. 1-4.
- Hazelton, M.L. (1998). Nonparametric
Regression. In the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics,
Vol. 4, Ed. P. Armitage and T. Colton. John Wiley &
Sons. pp. 3037-3039. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M.L. (2000). Book review of 'Local
Regression and Likelihood' by Clive Loader. Journal
of Applied Statistics, 27 , 519-521.
- Hazelton, M.L. (2003). Book review of 'Bayesian
Statistical Modelling' by Peter Congdon. Journal of
Applied Statistics, 30, 601-602.
- Hazelton, M. L. (2005). Nonparametric
regression. In the Encyclopedia of Biostatistics
(2nd edition), Ed. P. Armitage and T. Colton. John
Wiley & Sons. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M. L. (2005). Kernel Smoothing. In
the Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science,
John Wiley & Sons. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton
M L (2010), Univariate Linear Regression. In:
Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw, (Editors), International Encyclopedia
of Education. volume 7, pp. 482-488. Oxford:
Elsevier. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2011). Method of moments estimation. In International
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Part 13,
816-817, Springer. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2015). Nonparametric regression. International
Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd
Edition (ed. James Wright). Volume 16, 867–877.
Oxford: Elsevier. [Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M.L.
(2016). Kernel Smoothing. In: A.B. Lawson, S. Banerjee,
R. Haining, L. Ugarte (editors), Handbook
of Spatial Epidemiology, CRC Press. 195-207.
[Invited contribution]
- Hazelton, M. L. (2018).
Statistical methods in
network traffic. In Wiley StatsRef: Statistics
Reference Online (eds N. Balakrishnan, T. Colton, B.
Everitt, W. Piegorsch, F. Ruggeri and J. L. Teugels).
doi:10.1002/9781118445112.stat08056 [Invited
Submitted for
- Macdonald, B., Davies, T.M., Hazelton, M.L. (2024).
Bandwidth selection for kernel intensity estimators for
spatial point processes. Submitted for publication.
- Baddeley, A.J., Davies, T.M., Hazelton, M.L.
(2024). An improved estimator of the pair correlation
function of a spatial point process. Submitted for
Selected Consulting
- Hazelton, M. L. and Gupta, R. (2000) Survival
Analysis of Data on Endometrial Carcinoma, for
King Edward Memorial Hospital, UWA Statistical
Consulting Group report, 2000/4.
- Hazelton, M. L. and Gupta, R. (2000) Optimum
Sampling Plans for Fraud Detection and Fake Party
Membership Registration, for Electoral
Commissioner of WA, UWA Statistical Consulting Group
report 2000/7.
- Murray, K. and Hazelton, M.L. (2001). Calculation
of Performance Amounts, for Packer & Co., UWA
Statistical Consulting Group report.
- Gordon, A, Hazelton, M. and Bari, M. (2002). Derivation
of OD Trip Matrices: Phase 1 Report. Consulting
report for the Highways Agency U.K. (87 pages).
- Vijayan, K., Hazelton, M.L. and Murray, K.
(2003). Sampling Scheme for Incoming Consignments of
Bananas from the Eastern States, for Western
Australian Department of Agriculture, UWA Statistical
Consulting Group report.
- Murray, K., Khan, N, Hazelton,
M.L. (2004). Probability Calculations For
Proposed Racing Scratch Cards. UWA Statistical
Consulting Group report.
- French, N., Leader, D., Hazelton,
M., Marshall, J., and Benschop, J. (2011). Development and
application of new tools for the analysis of
salmonella surveillance data identifying the spatial
and temporal determinants of raised notifications in
New Zealand. Report for Food Safety Authority,
New Zealand.